Rhapsody Solutions LLC is a privately held company headquartered 30 miles south of Houston TX, specializing in the following areas:

  • Professional Services / Consulting / Development
  • Application Packaging and Deployment
  • Project Management Database Administration
  • Network / Systems Integration
  • Multi-Tier Desktop / Help Desk Administration
  • Internet / Intranet Design and Development
  • Disaster Recovery Planning and Services
  • Our Focus

    Rhapsody Solutions professionals have been instrumental in providing project management and technical services to various energy and pipeline companies across the United States. Rhapsody Solutions focuses on providing project management services, technical integration and support functions through our highly skilled professionals essential to the success of our clients' goals.

    Rhapsody Solutions has a diverse client base including small, medium and large Fortune 500 petrochemical, pipeline, energy and financial services companies. We attribute our success to the ability to deliver quality resources through unparalleled professionalism, excellent technical knowledge and market awareness.